Women's Business Grants


Women's Business Grants - Women's Financial Fund

Top ten tips for getting your business grant application accepted
BONUS Tip # 12 - Avoid embellishment

Just as you wouldn't lie on your grant application, embellishing your accomplishments, education or experience is not any better, and just like lies, they are just as easy for the grant committe to unravel. And yes, even embellishing can result in your grant application getting disqualified if the truth is uncovered.

What would be considered embellishment? It could be something as little as saying you oversaw employees at a job that is relevant to your grant application (such as you are applying for a grant to start your own coffee shop, and you were simply a barista at Starbucks previously, and not actually in a managerial or leadership position) or overstate your education.

Many grant applicants make the fale assumption that they couldn't get a business grant based on their own merits. But you could be in a lot more trouble if you embellish your merits and get caught... or end up getting charged with fraud because of it.

Next... Tip # 13 or Return to the beginning


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